
Advisers and Confidants

Illinois "favorite son", president-elect Barack Obama held a press conference today. It was the soon to be "Dear Leader" of America's "official outing" of his inner-circle of "advisers and confidants". (I realize a President has a "cabinet", but a "Dear Leader" has "advisers and confidants", so much more dramatic that way, and they do better when knowing exactly where their place is in the scheme of things.)

First to be "officially anointed", was the junior Senator from New York, Hillary Clinton. She will become Secretary of State. A job the good Senator is eminently qualified for due to her vast experience in ... dodging imaginary bullets while visiting our brave men and women serving in Iraq. (Whom, one assumes, as evidenced by various photos, would have found KP duty a more preferable option.) Or perhaps it is her ability to "nuance". Though her husband, the renowned former philanderer-in-chief husband, is far better at this, still she has the nack. This ability to "nuance" is considered vital when dealing with not only our allies, but in affecting change in how we deal with our advisories as well. One only has to look at how well it worked with North Korea's Kim Jong-il, and Saddam Hussein, during the Clinton Presidency, to understand it's effectiveness in achieving our foreign policy ends.

Robert Gates is to stay on as Secretary of Defense. Perhaps this is the "fig leaf of bipartisanship", which the president-elect will taut should the need arise. Used to cover up other glaring deficiencies ... in his cabinet. Gates has been a team player in the Bush cabinet. One wonders if he will be able to continue doing the same after January 21st. I would be willing to bet if there is any major eruption in terrorist activity where we have military boots on the ground, or Madam Secretary Clinton needs to point a finger somewhere; (As in the military should have been prepared in being able to drag my chestnuts outta this foreign policy mistake ... err "tactical error" I've found myself US in.) "Why wasn't Gates on top of this?". He will be the sacrificial lamb.

Eric Holder as Attorney General looks to be another place holder. Though he was present in some form or another under Regan, George Bush senior, as well as the Clinton Presidency, he will undoubtedly try to advance Obama's agenda(s) as far as possible. Though, as it seems Obama's stated agenda on any particular point of policy changes more often then the direction of the prevailing wind in an occluded front, it may be a tougher nut to handle then appears at first blush. I get the feeling, this gent may also be short lived, job wise.

Janet Napolitano, currently the Governor of Arizona, slated for the Secretary of Homeland Security. Ironically enough, she has more executive experience then the president-elect, yet serves at the Clinton's ... err "HIS" pleasure. Other then having served on Anita Hill's legal team (against that most evil of Supreme Court Justices, Clarence Thomas -- yes, my tongue is firmly planted in cheek--), and being a Democratic Party apparatchik, one wonders what qualifications she brings to the Homeland Security table. Oh, that's right, this particular branch of the government may soon be obsolete (or dramatically down-sized) under Obama's shinning light of "truth, justice, and the USSA way".

Dr. Susan Rice, the next Ambassador to the United Nations. Though she is very well educated, here and abroad, Secretary of State Madeline Albright is a longtime mentor and family friend to Rice. My friends, the last half of the last sentence says it all.. We have here, yet another member (albeit, a junior one) from the Clinton team, who has made the jump to the Obama "A" team. This may be another player who finds themselves out at the first sign of ruffled feathers, as this Dr. Rice seems to be intellectually up to the task (Admittedly, she has her head in the liberal mindset of "it's a one world after all, but she at least has studied something other then law and politics, however wrong headed she may be.) but may lack the political savvy to dodge any trouble sent her way.

General James Jones, soon to be the next National Security Advisor, has been a Marine with a solid record of service to his country. Here is hoping he is able to add to this honorable record, as Obama's National Security Advisor. (Yes, we wonder how long he will remain in that post, before his honor and or conscience demand otherwise.)

Rahm Emanuel, already selected as Obama's White House Chief of Staff, rounds out the main movers and shakers of the incoming Lords and Ladies in waiting, for the "anointed one". Although it is claimed Emanuel is "pro-Israel" and will take a fairly strong stance for American-Israeli relations, it should be remembered he was deeply involved in the Oslo accords between the PLO, the US, and Israel. And we know how well that worked out.

Like many of the others, Emanuel is not only part of the large Clinton entourage returning to the Oval office, (Will Monica, or someone of the same ilk, be far behind?) he has strong roots in Chicago politics (Obama's political birth place) as well. This brings up a number of concerns. Will this administration end up enslaved to the tea leaves, better known as "the polls", in determining everything from domestic to foreign policies? Or, as I suspect, will this supposedly "middle of the road" and "greatest collection of minds brought together ever!" in reality, be nothing more then a smoke screen?

A smoke screen covering up (especially for the first 100 days or so) the real political leanings of this "emperor-elect". That of pushing this country well past a purely socialist (and allegedly moderate socialism at that) to a full blown Marxist ideal. Remember this group and it's cardboard leader are all for building a utopia. Even if said utopia is at the expense of personal freedoms and liberties as spelled out in the constitution. Even if it costs every last dime the (shrinking) middle class and higher has at their disposal. For this is the anointed one. The bringer of hope and change. Leader of the elite who do know what is best for us all (wither it is or not ... it is because they say so). FDR would be proud of this poseur. And somewhere (very very warm I might add) Karl Marx is shedding a tear of joy.

As for me, I remain spinning still,

The Col.


The Local Malcontent said...

Man, Obama's cabinet reminds me of 'Dancing With the Stars' for some reason. What a bunch of retreads and wannabes.
As for Hillary, whom I believe is more honest in her ambitions than Obama ever could be, at State, I can see where she could do some good with Muslim countries, and her scant record with Israel is better than Obam's., too.
In fact, I can see her differing with Obam on issues, as her way of 'a dig' against him, influencing him.
Just watch out for her and Bubba's ties with China though.

The Local Malcontent said...

P.S.- I meant also to say that you have a great assessment of the cabinet choices, as well as a well-written post here!

Most Rev. Gregori said...

This should prove to be a very interesting, albeit frightening four years, to see who goes, who stays, or who disappears altogether.

I have a sneaky feeling (or perhaps it is just my paranoia coming to the surface) that we are being prepared for a totally Marxist future (or worse) here in America. Today, the Fox News channel mentioned several times that we may be seeing, very soon, armed military patrolling the streets of major U.S. cities. Of course they are saying that it is due to major terrorist attack threats that will come within the next five years.

All the government has to do is claim there will be a major terrorist attack and then slowly ratchet up the police state surveillance of the citizens, meanwhile leave our borders wide open and allow more and more Muslims to enter the country. And we can't forget, our "Dear Leader" wants to grant amnesty to over 20 million illegals. I wonder if the gulags have already been built?


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