
A Perfect Example ...

of what transpires when you replace a facet of what was considered traditional education, with something more "diverse" and "well rounded". In this case, we are talking about the lack of what used to be called "civics". This has been replaced with what is currently called "Social Science Survey" (at least at the High School level). I doubt anything approaching civics is even broached at the seventh or eighth grade levels.

Why bring this up you ask? Well, as evidenced by his empty suit and lighter then helium campaign, the Chicago political machine production, otherwise known as Barack Obama, still "won" the election, thanks in at least part to the lack of anything resembling civics being taught in our schools. This would be the case for say the last 30 years or so.

Need more "proof". Then my friends, go here. And by all means, take the 33 question test. See how you score. But more importantly, look at what the average scores were for the rest of the test takers ...
Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better? Questions were drawn from past ISI surveys, as well as other nationally recognized exams.

Oh, and for what it was worth, yours truly " answered 30 out of 33 correctly — 90.91 % ". Not too bad for one who hasn't cracked a book in some 53 years. (The spirit may move you ... but has a duce of a time turning a page.)

For those of you old enough to remember civics, perhaps this last election should be proof enough to seriously consider bringing it back into the curriculum. But I fear it may be too little too late.

I remain, rapidly rotating,

The Col.


The Local Malcontent said...

Through 20/20 hindsight, it is way too clear how Liberals have been intricate in their planning:
Dumb down the kids. Make university level studies socialistic in nature. Create a populace wholly dependent upon Government. Replace God with Man. Replace law with fairness and feelings.
Create a whole class of slackers envious of achievers and their salaries.

Something for nuthin'. Result? Barack Nobama.

The Local Malcontent said...

Col., I scored 87.88 on the test; missing 4 of 33, and one of those was obviously a boo-boo on my part (#30).
Interesting test, more comprehensive than expected~!

Navvet55 said...

I can understand and share (to some lesser extent) your concerns. Schooling when we were both much younger men, was substantivity different and far more was expected of you by both parent and teacher. Sadly, each generation after, has had the bar lowered to the extent today a rodent would have problems doing the limbo under same.

Anonymous said...

.... 78.79%.....