
Hello America and all the ships at sea!

Once one leaves "this mortal coil" and reunites with the Divine for all eternity, a span of 54 years counts as nothing. Indeed, at the time of my passing, I was at least somewhat comforted in knowing the main stream of America seemed to share in the majority of my (published) world views. My newspaper was a beacon of conservative light. Based on the bellowing of my rival publishers (in Chicago alone) I must have been doing something right, to have caused so much acrimony. Though I hoped things would remain more or less the same for some time after my passing, the wisdom gained as one grows older knows things never really remain the same.

Sadly, even I would never have guessed how much has changed. Nor how far our nation and civilization appears to have fallen. Still, I gave little if any thought to the affairs of man, as I took part in heaven's delights. That is until what would be the morning of your November 5th.

At first I wondered what would cause the strong desire in me to return to my final resting place. And why dear Lord, was my mortal remains rotating at such a high rate of speed? I looked, as one might suspect, to my first choice in news, the Chicago Tribune.

It can't be the new president elect ... after all he was endorsed by my beloved Tribune, so he must be of sound mind and upstanding character. Then I researched into this Barack Obama fellow. (It only took but a second of your earthly time ... we operate on a far different standard here.) What I found out ... made my soul cry out in angush !! My wonderful paper ... has willingly gotten behind the one man who for all intent and purposes is the reincarnation of that most vile of Presidential office holders, Franklin Delano Roosevelt!!

And so I have returned. Though it be only as a spirit. Perhaps my words can help return this great nation back to it's rightful path toward greatness. The path divinely granted to it and it's citizens. (What, you think your Constitution was entirly the product of man? Pray tell, where did their collective thoughts come from ? Divine inspiration is not just a flight of fancy!)

Those who would countenance rampant statism. Or others who willingly embrace the godlessness called Communism are nothing more then useful tools of the Dark one and his many agents. They must be stopped. This Obama must have a light shined upon him by any and all free thinking, freedom loving people which still exist in this great nation. I resolve not to return to peaceful slumber until this comes to pass.

I remain respectfully,
The voice of the people,
Hereafter known as,
"The Col."

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